community benefit sundays

Our dedication to local sourcing doesn’t stop at food. There is more than produce, fish, and meat in our local community. Businesses and organizations, too, are valuable local resources. Sure, we can’t serve local non-profits on a plate, but they are no less a cherished part of our community.
Each Community Benefit Sunday guest hangs posters in the brewery and spends the day (2pm-9pm) tabling at the entrance of 7th - engaging all the awesome Settlers who walk through our door. A portion of the day’s proceeds go directly toward the business or non-profit and both citizen and organization will have valuable face-to-face engagement.
Our Sunday Benefit Days highlight, promote, and support local businesses and non-profits who share our values and home. If you’re part of a local business or non-profit seeking partnership and further community enrichment, fill out an application!
To submit your application right click the link below, click “save link as” or “save as” to download the document. Then, just fill it out on the computer and send it to
7th Settlement Community Benefit Sunday Application